Over the years we have been asked a lot of questions about Texas Longhorns including queries about what is involved in owning and managing Texas Longhorn cattle.  Below is a selection of some of those questions and some answers to the questions. If you want to know anything at all about Texas Longhorns you are welcome to Contact Us and we will do our best to try and answer your query. 

Are Texas Longhorns difficult to control and can they be dangerous? 

Texas Longhorns are normally very quiet and gentle cattle. In all the years that we have owned and been breeding them we have never been horned or even kicked - they are very respectful of people. Texas Longhorns will defend their calves against dogs so it's advisable to be careful if you work your cattle with dogs especially if the cows have young calves.

What are the markets for Texas Longhorns?

Breeding stock 
Bulls for service sires
Trophy and display steers
Roping stock for rodeos 
Cattle for organic and lean meat
Cattle for the mainstream beef market

Who grows the longest horns?

Typically steers grow the longest horns. Bulls horns grow quickly but normally don't grow much past about 6 years of age. Due to the lack of testosterone steers and cows grow the longest horns.

Are all Texas Longhorn cattle in Australia registered?

Not all of them. Some people choose not to register trheir cattle but we think registering your cattle, if eligible, is a good idea. 

What age do they live to?

Texas Longhorns can easily live into their twenties and cows can be productive well into thier teens.

What are Texas Longhorns like to manage?

They are easy to manage and are very respectful of fences and people. Most owners of Longhorns work their cattle on horseback and ATV 4-wheeler without any problems at all. There are also people work their cattle on foot.

Are the horns dangerous and do people get hurt by them?

The horns are long and sharp but rarely do we hear of anyone anyone gored by a Texas Longhorn. Occasionally when fighting amongst themselves they will hurt each other but this is a very rare occurrence.

What type of fences do you need for Texas Longhorns?

They can easily be kept in fences designed for any other breed of cattle. As long as you have adequate feed in your paddocks you won't have a problem with your cattle getting out.

Do they mix well with other animals like horses?

Yes they do. Some breeders of Longhorns in Australia have horses, Bison and Water Buffalo and all of these animals happily co-exist.

What do they eat?

They are good foragers and will survive on poor pasture but of course the better the pasture the better your cattle will do. If your pasture quality is poor, you may need to supplement their diet on a seasonal basis.

What sort of climate best suits Texas Longhorns?

Because Texas Longhorns are an evolved breed they are tough and can handle any climate.

Do Texas Longhorns have calving problems?

Very rarely do we hear of  calving problems with Texas Longhorn cows and heifers; birthing problems are virtually non-existent in the breed. This is one reason why Longhorn bulls are ideal to use over heifers as the resultant calves are born without difficulty, and cross-bred cattle typically gain weight very quickly due to hybrid vigour.

Do Texas Longhorns require much veterinary care?

No. Texas Longhorns have minimal health problems. You should follow the standard vaccination program for cattle in your part of the country; provide reasonably good pasture, adequate supplementation as needed for your area, and a source of clean drinking water; and follow a regular program of parasite control. If Longhorns are getting sufficient nutrition (including minerals), and adequate husbandry practices followed, health problems are quite rare.

What type of cattle yard facilities to you need to handle Texas Longhorns?

They can easily be handled in yards designed for other breeds of cattle. If you intend to AI you may need to build, or have made a crush that will handle the longer horns on the older cows. In saying this though, Longhorns, if given enough time, can weave their way through a crush even with good sized horns. They are very intelligent and will nearly always figure a way.

What traits do Texas Longhorns posses that make them unique and able to thrive in adverse conditions?

The best way to answer this is to check out the Texas Longhorn Advantages Page.

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Trails West Texas Longhorns website designed and maintained by Horseshoe B Longhorns